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4G/LTE International Roaming Services in Oman | Omantel


With digitization as one of our key pillars, we currently provide 4G/LTE roaming services in 160 plus networks across the globe. Our prepaid customers can enjoy roaming on 300 plus networks.


Why Choose Omantel International?

  • We are the optimal hub for any business in the Middle East, and also provide access to all of the fastest growing markets around the world
  • Oman’s unique geographic location at the crossroads of East and West, and its rich submarine cable connectivity, make it one of the most connected places on earth
  • Our ultra low-latency network ensures that our managed services are supported by the best possible network infrastructure
  • Omantel is great to do business with, making it simpler and easier for partners to serve their own customer base

4G/LTE International Roaming Services in Oman | Omantel
