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Investor Relations & Negotiation

Join our Investor Relations & Negotiation workshop led by Laila Hasan to learn about Investor Negotiations, the Dynamics of Term Sheets and more! Register now for the workshop on the 13th December 2022.

In this workshop, you will learn the anatomy of a term sheet, which includes understanding the structure of, and the provisions that will most likely be included in, a convertible debt, Safe, angel, and venture financing term sheet; how to arrive at a realistic pre-money valuation; the impact of term sheets on existing shareholders; and how to arrive at a realistic pre-money valuation. In this workshop the participants will learn the fundamentals of: 1. Investor Negotiations 2. The Dynamics of Term Sheets 3. The negotiation strategy 4. Creating value for the different stakeholders and optimizing negotiation outcomes

DATE AND TIMEالتاريخ و الوقت
calendar-alt 13th Dec 2022
12:00 PM-2:00 PM Oman Time
Laila Hasan